Cosmetic Dentistry

Enhance the Look of Your Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry in Edmonton

Cosmetic dentistry treatments are designed to beautify your smile. Undeniably, having whiter, straighter teeth can enhance your appearance and even increase your confidence. Here at Heritage Dental Centre, we offer several cosmetic dentistry procedures that can improve your smile. Many of these have restorative effects as well.

Here are some of the treatments we provide and their cosmetic benefits.

Man Smiling With Teeth Whitening Options

Dental Veneers

Veneers are an excellent option if you want to improve the appearance of your front teeth. The procedure to apply them involves using thin pieces of tooth-coloured composite resin or porcelain that get glued to the selected teeth. They blend in seamlessly with the rest of your teeth and will give you a whiter, more uniform smile.

Dental veneers are long-lasting and can be used to repair discoloured, chipped, crooked, gapped or irregularly shaped teeth.

Woman Smiling Getting Teeth Whitened

Teeth Whitening

This treatment is a good option if you want to remove surface stains or reverse the natural yellowing of your teeth. Professional whitening services produce more effective results than over-the-counter alternatives because they use a more potent whitening agent.

We offer bleaching treatments at our office or custom whitening kits if you want professional results at home.

Contact us easily online, by phone or by dropping in

Our Complete List of Cosmetic Dentistry Services



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